Analytics & Insights

Make smarter business decisions with payments analytics

Receive real-time insights on your entire payment flow for better control of your business. Monitor customer behaviour, understand what works, and make faster adjustments to increase sales and get paid more quickly.

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Comprehensive insights to boost your business

Fondy’s intuitive dashboard helps you gather the information you need about your customers and payments all in one place.

 Manage every customer transaction

  • Locate specific transactions easily
  • View individual product and customer information
  • Check on authorisations, settlements and refunds

 Measure business performance

  • Calculate conversion flows
  • Monitor sales performance
  • Identify trends and predict growth

  Gain full customer insights

  • Gain detailed insights into buying patterns
  • See popular payment methods and origin countries
  • Analyse shopper behaviour and loyalty

Extra insights with Flow

With Flow, you can view and control how you accept, settle, and track payments and money received across all your accounts on just one interface and platform. For added ease, you can automatically match all your customers’ payments to their invoices, too.

It doesn’t matter how your clients paid in you, you can easily check all the information about your payments and have unified reconciliation files

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Reduce failed payments and maximise sales

Make failed payments a thing of the past – Fondy’s payment analytics will help you to identify the reason for failed transactions and which card types and banks may be the root of the problem.

Visibility to beat fraud

Identify abnormal shopping behaviours across your customer journey so you can gain a tighter control on potentially fraudulent activity.

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Easier reconciliation with Fondy

You will simplify your financial information with Fondy, as all your reports will be unified and in one place. It doesn’t matter which currency or payment methods you were paid in or made the payment out you can upload the data in one format in your accounting system.

Analytics on the go

Our merchant portal app gives you data insights wherever you are. Once you have an account with us, download the app for your mobile.

Get started today

Up-to-the-moment actionable analytics is just one of the ways in which Fondy makes it easier for you to manage your business and boost your sales

Open an account

Create a no-obligation account now and we’ll take you through all the options. You could even start trading today.

Request a demo

Request a demo of our gateway portal and Flow – our multicurrency accounts service today.

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